Monday, December 29, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

This year has gone by fast as I look back upon it. I have spent most of the year in pain and hoping next year will be alot less of it. Christmas was nice, but it just didn't feel right, it didn't feel like the normal Christmas. I have heard alot of people say the same thing this year.
Today I just haven't been feeling good, more just depressed I think. I have so much on my mind and things are getting all mixed up in my head, so depression is where I ended up today.
I hope everyone has a Happy New Year and safe travels.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


This is my very lame Christmas Tree at the Apt

For some reason the saw is blurry, but its neat looking
This is what the snowman tin looks like from the outside before I put the ornaments in them

Top view of the snowman tin

Side view of snowman tin


I finally started some Christmas shopping last night. I'm not really into it this year for some reason. Just might be from me not feeling that great. But at least it is a start. I know I'm running out of time and have no idea what to get for my exchange gifts yet or for the parents. I guess I'll have to call them and see if they can give me some idea' If not, its gift cards for

Monday, December 8, 2008

Very Long and Very Sad

It was a very long and stressful weekend and I'm very glad it is over with. It was a very sad time at the funeral home today. When isn't it a sad time, but when one is only 20 years old when one dies makes it a bit sadder. It was hard watching my cousin as he sat in his wheel chair watching his daughter that laid in the casket. Watching a boyfriend with tears as all his dreams were gone. The girl he was going to marry next year can no longer be his. A mother, a brother, a sister hold each other was they wiped the tear from each others face. The girl I seen in the casket wasn't a girl that I remembered, she didn't even look like the same person. All thought the accident didn't injury her face, she still didn't look like herself. Maybe it was the wig they put on her because of her having no hair from the brain surgery, maybe it was that she didn't have her glasses on. But what I believe is that she was no longer here on earth the day of the accident. She wasn't alive at the screen of the accident. Fractured her skill in 2 places, 2 very big brain injuries with no activity from the time of the accident. The machines were the only thing keeping her body alive and that finally said it had enough.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Funeral Home

Today my hubby and I are going to the funeral home for my cousin that died. Such a sad day and a waste of a 20 year old young lady that never got a chance in life to grow up, get married, have kids and grandkids. I just know that her grandma (my aunt) and her great grandpa (my grandpa) are now watching over her in heaven. After the funeral home my hubby and I will head back down to the apt. I will not be able to make it to the funeral tomorrow.

This week I hope to at least start on my Christmas shopping. I have not bought one little thing which is rare for me. I'm usually almost done by this time. I think it is just because my joints hurt so much and I don't want to deal with people or people trying to run me over. But I told my hubby that he is going to help me this year with all the

Friday, December 5, 2008


Last Saturday my cousin's daughter Jenny was in a head on car accident which she killed a woman driver as this driver was on her way home from Christmas shopping. Jenny had just moved into her first apt that day and we aren't sure if the bookcase she was taken was the reason for the accident. I understand it kept hitting her in the head. Sat. she had brain surgery to remove fluid on the brain and I know she had fluid around her heart and lungs. Many broken bones but could never keep her stable to address them. She flat lined many time through out the week. The doctors tested her brain and at first there was 3% brain activity but only to fine the wires were backwards, tested her again and got 0%, that was last Sunday. Through out this week things just got worse and yesterday some of her organs were shutting down. The doctor called my cousin (who has very bad MS and in a wheel chair) and his ex-wife into a room and they decided it was time to pull the plug. She died 15 minutes later. She was only 20 years old. At first I decided not to go home till the funeral, but I think maybe we will go home this weekend and go to the funeral home instead of going to the funeral. The funeral will take place 3 hours from here and it is so hard for me to sit in a car that long to start with let alone being the one driving alone.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's Me

Its getting a bit colder out now. We have some snow on the ground here at the apt. Not nearly as much as home has. It looks pretty anyway.

I'm still doing about the same, I have pain in some muscles and joints but I try to do as much as I can without making me hurt worse. I've been seeing a back cracker once a week and that helps at times. That is until the stress comes from the kids driving me nuts. I don't even have to be at home for that, they just call me up to complain.

I finished the curtains a few weeks ago and also made a few throw pillows. I want to start working on a blanket for down here. That will give me something else to do.

Had a nice time at Thanksgiving and of course my mom had to say something about my hair, like normal. She said woman my age shouldn't be having longer hair. Hello, what does my age have to do with a thing?????

So then on Friday, everything was going fine with my laptop and I shut it down and when I went to turn it on sat. morning, there was no wireless coming from my computer. Its gone, said something like no Internet adapter installed. So I went to drivers to update it and it says it has the right update, but still no wireless. I get back to the apt hoping it was just a home problem and again, no wireless signal coming from the computer. I had to plug in the cord in order to get online. So, needless to say, it will be going in to get fixed tomorrow.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Its really hard going back and forth between two homes. So when I say I'm home again, no one has any idea which home I'm really at. The apt. has become my HOME since I'm here 5 days out of the week. So, I'm home It was nice to get away from my stinky house. The smell from the dogs was just to much for me and from what I understand the smell was even worse before the boys started cleaning up after them the day we went home (Friday). Hello, how long do you really think it takes to potty train a puppy, sorry, not this long. If you own a puppy, then that means you watch them every minute and take them out all the time. Watch for the signs that they may have to use the bathroom. Don't just leave them in the house while you go away when they aren't trained, don't just think you can sleep in forever in the morning and think the puppy can hold it that long. I shouldn't have to put up with this inside my house when the dogs are not mine, but my boys. I can't seem to get anywhere with my hubby on the subject. He likes the dogs but doesn't like what they are doing to the house, so what does he say, NOTHING. Doesn't want to look like the bad guy all the time. Hello, whose house is it???? The kids I guess. So, I made sure I brought more winter clothes and a winter coat to the apt. So I don't have to go home to the HOUSE for

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Its Beginning to Feel Like Fall

This week as the cooler temps come in I see more and more leaves changing. I like fall but only if it's at least in the 70' No such luck this week, its to cold for me. I live in the wrong state, that's the

I'm slowly healing from the bone marrow and bone biopsy. The doctor said it is like a bruise but on the bone. It will take about 3 or 4 weeks to heal. I went and had my back adjusted Thursday and my back was so tight. We couldn't do all the normal things with it because of the bone. I tell you what it sure did hurt come Thursday night. I don't go back in till next Tuesday.

I'm still at the apt. only going home if I have to. The kids have taken over my house and it is gross, but I'm not going home on the weekends to spend my time cleaning it. Just not happening, their all to old for that.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Very Sore

I'm pretty sore today. The trip back down to the apt. wasn't all that comfy. Once I got down here I had to drive to Rite Ad and get a prescription filled. I drove myself and that wasn't comfy either. Glad I'm not driving to Ohio tomorrow, I could never do it. So, after my DH took off the bandage this morning, I kind of got a look at my back. It's about a 1/8 to 1/4 inch cut. Looked kind of Needs some cleaning up, but I need to keep the bandage on for a few more days.

Bone Marrow Biopsy

I had my bone marrow and bone biopsy done yesterday. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I had the MRI done Thursday night, what a trip the poor guy had trying to get a needle in the vein for the, the 3rd time a lady came out and got it in on the first So then yesterday morning I had to be to the lab at 7:30 for blood work and then the biopsy was done at 8:00. Plus after that I had an appt at the pain management So, I did what I was suppose to do yesterday which was nothing and so nothing is what I did. I have to take the bandage off today for the first time and put a smaller one on, I'm curious on what it looks like.

Ok, we are leaving to go back down to the apt. today, but not till closer to evening. I'm still going to the food and wine tasting thing Sunday afternoon in Ohio. I don't have to drive thank goodness. I can just lay in the back if I have to. So that's it for me for now.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

It's Been Awhile

Ok, I guess it has been awhile since I even got onto my blog. It looks alittle different since the last time I dropped by. I'm sure there will be a few people that might just pass out when they see I have written

Its really hard to come on here and try to put what I'm feeling into words. So much has gone on in the last 6 months or so that I almost don't know where to begin. And things are still changing from day to day. One of these days I will start writing a draft of the time line for all my medical I can already here Miss Dee saying, "Ya right" But if you come on and read this, please say an extra prayer for me for Friday morning. I have to have a bone marrow biopsy done.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

It's Only Me

Ok, today is the day that I finally blog something, even if all I say is nothing I'm feeling better then I did for the last few months. I have my good days and I have bad days. Sometimes its good weeks and bad weeks. Last week was a good week and now this week I'm paying for what I did last week.

Last week was N's vacation and she came down to hubby's apt. On Monday she ended up having to take her car in to get new back brakes so we didn't do anything. Boy that cost a bunch. Tues, we went to Binder Zoo in Battle Creek, Mi. That was pretty cool. It was a lot of walking. Then we decided Tues night that we would get up in the morning and head to Chicago. Chicago is only 2 1/2 hours from here. Oh my word, more walking and walking. I was in some really expensive stores and some that I could even buy something at....lolol. But early evening we finally got on the river boat and road through Chicago after dark. The buildings are beautiful after dark. We didn't get home till 3am. Thurs, we drove to South Haven, Mi and went to the beach. More or less a lazy day. Friday morning we had to get up and leave for home since N had to work in the afternoon. But I tell you what, I got up and the muscles in the bottom of both feet hurt like no tomorrow....lolol.

So, this week I'm again back at the apt. We haven't done to much, went to a few stores and that's about it. We might go for a walk later on.
Now this one is for Dee, I finally got the sewing machine out, I even figured out how to thread the needle and now I'm all set to sew some sample fabric. But R got home and I couldn't get to it. But there is nothing much on tv tonight so maybe I will work on it some. But hey, I got that

Next week I will be home, I have 2 doctors appts. I have many questions, I think I better start writing them down so I don't forget.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Its been awhile

I know it has been awhile since I have wrote a thing in here, but I will do that tomorrow. I just wanted anyone and everyone to know that I'm still alive and feeling a bit better each week.

Friday, May 16, 2008

My Life Is In A Stand Still

Wow it has been awhile since I have blogged anything. This one is going to be very short as it is. I'm still having health problems and still don't have any answers. I may not have any answers until July when I go back to the neurologist. If and when I start feeling a bit better I will try to blog about it but right now I don't know where to start. Just know that I could use anyone's prayers.

Friday, April 18, 2008

How Thursday April 17th Was

Yesterday had its ups and downs, alot of pain, some depressing moments with the I can't take this much more kind of thing. As the day went on I was able to just sit outside on my swing in the sun, that was more relaxing. I'm not really sure what all this upset tummy stuff is, but I'm still having problems eating. I'm not taking anything that would be bothering it. I'm just thinking that it must have to do with just the body not feeling good, maybe some stress, but its been going on for almost a week now. I get really hungry, then I smell the food or when I start eating that's when it hurts and continues to hurt for awhile after I eat. Could be sinus' too. As for going off my neurontin, it was a better day. I took one in the morning like normal and waited around for my system to start with the burning skin and it really didn't happen. Just a little here and there but nothing bad. Took only one pill in the afternoon instead of 2 and waited again for it to throw a fit, didn't happen at all. Took my pill before going to bed and this morning it kind of was saying it wanted some but I waited until 9am before I took it and now I will just have to wait to see what going to happen from here. After not taking any excedrin in 2 weeks I broke down and took some for the pain, not so much for a headache and guess what it did, it gave me a headache. A rebound headache. So, I won't be taking that again. I guess being off 2 weeks wasn't long enough. The sun is out as of right now, but it is suppose to turn into a cloudy day. At least the temps are suppose to be around 72, I can handle that. I know at the end of next week it is going to be in the high 50's and my RSD isn't going to like that one little bit, hurts more when it is colder and that is what I'm taking the neurontin for in the first place.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

On Apr. 16th

Yesterday was a so so day for me. In the mornings I have been taking one less neurontin pill and my body does not like the lower amount at all. I had so much burning and pain on my skin. I'd have to say it would come and go but when it was there it was awful. It seems that a hot flash makes the skin hurt even more. I spent alot of time reading in my lazy boy yesterday. I did manage to do just a few household things but not alot for the joint/bone pain was just to bad. By the time it came around to taking my afternoon pills, I was so ready because I knew I was taking a full dose. I minus one pill in the morning and before bed. I'm not sure how long this will all take to get off of, but I will talk this over with the neurologist on wed. Maybe there is a better way of doing it. Last night my sleep again was very strange. I went to bed around 10:30, woke up at 1:10, 4:00, 5:30, 6:00, 6:30, 7:00 and got up at 7:30. I know that still isn't a restful nights sleep at all. I think all the joint/bone pain is what keeps waking me up. I feel like my mattress is one hard board right now. I hate when it is time to go to bed because I know I won't sleep well at all. It was a beautiful day yesterday, in the 70's and lots of sun, just a little to windy out for me. Today is suppose to be about 70 and partly cloudy, but I hope to get out some in the free air.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

So Much For That Idea

Last night around 9:30pm I started all of the sudden getting the numby/tingling feeling in my face and left arm again like I had 2 weeks ago. In that time frame I was taking the drug that was making my more dizzy, light headed and upset tummy, which I didn't take at all yesterday. The drug was for the joints pain. I did do some arm exercises while laying in bed last night, not sure if that is playing a part. Still could just be the neurontin, I don't know. Makes me go back to this is all a nerve problem again in the end. I just don't know. I also only slept for 5 1/2 hours again, I wake up from pain in the joints and bones as they crack and hurt when they move around. So my little sleepy pill just isn't giving me the whole nights worth. I wake up and then my brain won't shut off. So after 2 hours of trying to go back to sleep I simple got up. I'm having more neurontin effects with the lesser amount of pills. My skin is starting to feel like it is burning and on fire and I can only think that it is my system not liking the lesser amount, that started Sunday night but went away after taking my morning pills. But last night it didn't go away with my night time pills and is still here this morning. I do find that the afternoon and evenings is when I feel worse. I'm trying so hard not to keep thinking about all this stuff. After yesterdays family doctors appt. My spirits were pretty high except for the tummy hurting bringing me some what down. Thinking no, its probably all the neurontin because I haven't been having much numbness going on in the face and arms, if any it was very light and not all the time, just a now and then and not lasting long. At least I'm still seeing the neurologist next week. Its so hard to put all of this in the back of the mind when the feeling of the numbness, feeling the joints hurt. How do you say to yourself, its just not there, you feel nothing, you feel normal when it reminds you every minute that it is there. I'm tired of feeling out of breath, just breathing can be hard with just a plugged up nose. I have to keep taking deep breaths. Now I know my oxygen levels are fine, they were 97% when I went to the hospital and I had a cold/sinus' problems when I went in. I've been dealing with a cold/sinus problem for over a month now.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Today's Drs. Appt.

Seen my family doctor today, now I hope I haven't forgotten all she said today. She is now thinking that my problems could be from the neurontin also. She thought I looked alot better today then the last time she seen me. She still wants me to lower the dosages of my neurontin and maybe even try to go off them. Which I know that in itself will be painful, but if it makes the joints happy then I'll be happier too. If that is the problem and I can get off them and stay off them for at least a month to get it out of my system then at that time we can try to find something else that might work. She also said hormones could be a problem also, but we aren't dealing with that just yet. So, NO hormone pills for me at this time. She still wants me to see the Neurologist next week and make sure there isn't a nerve problem going on. Most of my joint pain is on the right side of my body. I've had several days of an upset tummy and we think that is from the pills she gave me 1 1/2 weeks ago, which is a drug that is in my file not to take.....lolol, my file is such a mess and the nurse has stuff all over the place so she just didn't see it. She said OPS, sorry. I haven't taken any today anyways, I cut myself off of them yesterday. So, she gave me Motrin. I will fill that prescription tomorrow. AT this time she is thinking that Fibromyalgia, MS and Lupus is NOT an issue at all. If all fails, there is another specialist that she will send me too, I just don't remember the name of that I didn't end up going off my gum today, just was to stressed out and thought this is not the time to do so, but within the next few months I plan on being off them. I have to start slowly in getting rid of them. She is also not worried about my white blood cells being so low. Both test were done by different labs and each has their own way of doing things I guess. She said I could be fighting something off right now and that to just get tested again in a month.
So, my mom went with me today and made me go get some soup at Time Hortons, got soup, roll, a donut and med. pop. I ate the roll, drank the pop, had about 5 bits of the soup, ate some crackers and that's about all I could get down. Then we went to Walmart and Aldi's and now I'm home resting on a heating pad. Shoulders were over worked with the stick shift in my I'm so tired, I only slept about 5 hours last night. Everything is just draining me these days. I have no energy to do anything. I'm trying to get some exercise in but she don't want me to over do it right now. Little at a time and not much either. Oh, I lost a bit more weight. 3 pounds in the last 1 1/2 and for the most part I have been eating more food too. I'm trying to eat at least something 3 times a day. Get a bit more fruit in me. I stopped all the diet pop. I've had caffeine free coke 3 times in the last 1 1/2 weeks. So, not sure what is up with that. But really in the last 2 1/2 weeks I have lost 8 pounds. So, I'm now tipping the scale at 123. About 8-10 pounds less then N and she isn't happy about that

Monday, April 14, 2008

Where To Begin (I Wish)

I wish it would be warm outside all the time, with lots of sun. My body feels better then, not like totally, but somewhat better. It gets cold, it gets damp and then I don't feel as well. I wish my sinus' weren't bothering me. I'm trying so hard not to take anything for headaches or sinus' at this point. I just keep taking my vitamins and the normal prescription which at this point I'd like to throw in the trash and start on a new drug. Sometime I feel like I need to even drop all the vitamins, even though I wasn't taking most of them when the pain all started. I feel like a abnormal person in this world. I'm trying so hard to keep my spirits up but that become difficult with so much pain. My muscles are so weak that it makes doing anything hard. I want my old life back, I want to feel normal, human again. I want to be able to do things when ever I want and I just can't. Each day something new hurts, something that hadn't hurt before and with more pain then that means more sitting or laying around and the weaker my muscles are getting. But if I try to work the muscles, that gives me more pain. I just can't win here for nothing. I'd like to just get through a day without having to think all the time about it or have to think about what could be wrong with me. The choices I have for what could be wrong aren't good, they are all life time problems. Could it all have started with stress, my environment? Those are possibilities.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

This Is Hard

I so don't want to talk about how I feel things days. The more you talk, the more it has to be real, yet I know it is because I'm feeling it. I think if I could just get my white blood cells up I could feel so much better. We just need to find out why they are so low.
My niece had surgery yesterday and I missed it. Just couldn't sit there for it. She came out of it ok, but all through the night and today she is sick, throwing up, poor thing.
N got another job so she will be working her normal job and doing part time work at a Daycare run by the wife of someone my hubby works with. That's going to be interesting.
C finally moved out over spring break. So now it is just down to D at home. So during the week D helps me and then hubby comes home on the weekends. Not great when you have a wife sick with something no one knows what it is yet. Even if we aren't in the same room at least I know he is in the house and that makes me feel better.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

It's Been Awhile

I know it has been awhile since I have wrote. So many things have changed since then. I'm having a few medical problems and I'm just not on the computer alot. As of right now, I just don't feel like trying to type it all out. I just wanted to let everyone know, I'm still alive.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Under The Weather So To Speak

I know it has been awhile since I wrote anything on here. I'm still fixing my music files when I can but have been spending alot more time laying on a heating pad. My joints are in so much pain that it makes it hard to lay down, sit up or walk. I will be calling my obgyn tomorrow, see what can be done to relieve this problem some. I'm at DH's apt now and forgot the phone number so I will need N to find it for me. This is the first I have been here in 2 months. Feels kind of weird. I walk in and it was oh yeah, I need to put the snowman stuff I really thought I'd would have been back here before The drive down here was very painful, shoulder blades mainly was the problem for the last couple of days.

D came with us for his spring break and has lots of Math to work on. I need him to get it done before we go back home or as much as he can get done. He has 5 days. He is running out of time for this mail in class, he needs this credit to graduate and that is in 2 months, he has 1 1/2 months to finish all of this and we have to remember there is mail in time, correcting the paper before it is mailed back on the grade. I can get the grade online but he still needs to take the final test and that has to be sent in by the high school. So I will be on his butt all week to get it done.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hair Cut

Monday my daughter took me out and got my hair cut. All the straw like hair is gone and it is alot shorter, but feels so much better. I think I would like a bit more off the top though, so I'll have to see about going back in. She told me I had no protein in my hair and that's where most of the problem is.

Tonight I'm going to my sisters to check out her and my nephews cell phones and then later on this evening I will order a new one online. My battery won't stay charged and it is cheaper for me to get a new phone then buy a battery. I will ended up getting a 100.00 discount since my contact is up.

I'm not happy with D, he went and did something that I told him he had to wait till he was 18. It makes me very angry and I'm not happy at all.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

My Saturday

I figured I better blog about something, anything or I was going to get yelled at again by Dee. My day was a do nothing all day long. DH calls me on his cell phone (from to tell me the movies we watched at the apt. a few months ago were on again. So, him and I spent 10 hours watching a Janet Oke series. 5 movies. One of them I had missed about 1/2 the movie the first time we watched them. So, from 1pm till 11pm that's what I did. This morning I was downloading more music, but this time it was for ME, ME,

Monday, February 18, 2008

My New Heaty

So for the last couple of years I haven't been able to find my heating pad. I washed the cover, put it back on and haven't seen it So today while I was out getting blank cd's to burn the cds I put together for my hubby, I decided to get me a new "heaty". My back so needs it and its a nice big one so I can wrap it around my sides Matter of fact, everything we got today but 2 things were all onsale. Saved like 31.50, love that kind of savings.
After coming home, I finished burning the music and laid down to watch prison break and csi miami. N watched csi with me, she was here all day. I was alittle worried about her drive home since the news was talking about alot of black ice and shutting down part of the highway, but she made it home safe and sound.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Ok, I'm writing a small entry just so Dee gets off my I haven't been doing much but downloading music, filing them and getting them ready to burn for my DH. He has to travel 2 1/2 hours one way to go back and forth to his apt. This will give him more to listen to and make the trip go by faster.

Its been cold here and we have gotten lots and lots of snow. One day we got 17 inches here at my house. A few days later we got another 3 inches, about 3 days ago we got another 2 inches. But, today it is raining so we are losing some. I'm so over this winter and

I found out yesterday that my auntie in FL has lung cancer again. She had it like 16 years ago and last round of chemo was 15 years ago. This cancer is a different form and in a different area of her lungs. She starts chemo again on thurs. for 6 weeks. I called her and told her that I'd fly down there at any time if she needed me to. She has some really good friends that live in her park plus her pastor lives in the park too.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

I Can't Believe It

Well I can't believe I haven't written since Jan 26th. I guess I really haven't had much to say. I've been dealing with a cold which is feeling better with each passing day. I'm still working on my music files and that's about We have a new blanket of snow on the ground, its still freezing outside. DH is still at the apt. due home after work today, YESSSSSS over time, wonderful. So there is the story of my boring life, add a few kids in the mix, some fighting and that makes up the dough of my Oh, D and I are going to go to N's work tonight and work a few hours doing inventory. We did it last year too, only took a few hours.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Music Music

I figured I better write something on here, its been awhile, I'm still alive.

I was home all last week, no apt living for me. DH went back there on Monday but he left a gift for me before going, HIS NASTY I started feeling a bit yucky on Tuesday night, but Wed. morning it said hello I started on the airborne at the first sign and so far mine isn't as bad as his is. He just got back home last night and he still sounds yucky.

I finally decided to add all the mp3 songs I downloaded years ago that I had burned on to cds. I hadn't added any of them since getting a new hard drive for the computer. I had been in no hurry since I knew I didn't want to add them to my ipod, but now I have figured out how to tweak the properties of each song so they will go in the way I want them to. See I like to have all my songs to be in the right folders, the right artist or albums on my ipod. I can't stand to see artist names all over the place and like only one song to each So, there will be an artist name called like oldies and under oldies will be an album called oldies and all the misc songs will be in there....lolol I have fixed all the songs that are by an artist if there is like an whole album size so that they all go together right on the For the the oldies I will put the real artist name next to the song so I know who sang it. I hope that made So that is what I have been doing with my time this week. It is going to take me weeks to finish it all up before I can add them to the ipod. But now at least I know what to do in the future for any songs I download off

Its been so cold outside so staying in is on the menu. Looks like it will be about the same for next week. Ok, I'm ready for a warm up now, lets starting moving in the direction of at least 60 degrees...lolol. These temps in the single digits with the wind chill below 0 is started to get to

Thursday night N and I went to a tupperware party. Man, I couldn't believe how much they have gone up in price in the last 15 or so years. I could afford tupperware then, but now, its cheaper to buy like I did manage to get a mixer/shaker for the apt. and a replacement for the top of the one I have here. I walked away spending 13.00 and that was almost the cheapest Pretty much everything else was closer to $25-30.00 on up. DH hasn't worked a full 40 hour week since the week before Christmas and has had one week in there of no work at all. So money is very tight. This has been the first time in over a year that I have had to deal with unemployment. Sure hope work starts to pick up and soon. He gets paid for days he works, no holiday pay because he is in construction/laborer.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Same Ole, Same Ole

You know, who feels liking blog the same stuff all the time. I travel between home and DH's apt. that's about all that goes on in my life. Add a child still in high school, mix in a older child still living at home, deal with a daughter that has her own apt but still calls all the time. There is what my life is all about.

I'm back at the apt since last night, just came down for really today. Going to mess around with my sewing machine and make sure it works right before the time runs out on being able to take it back or exchanging it. We will leave for home tomorrow morning. We asked D if he wanted to come down with us but of course he didn't since he really don't like it here. He has nothing to do.

D had exams this week and only had to go in for 2 days, he was off the rest of the week and on Monday. I can't wait till he is all graduated and then I won't have to deal with school anymore. He has been my hardest child to get through school so I don't care what it cost, I just want it done and over

So, this is my boring blog of the same ole same ole here. I'm already getting really sick and tired of being cold, I hate winters, I hate being Tomorrow and Sunday are going to be the coldest days thus far this winter. Highs in the teens, lows in the single digits. Be gone with yourself mister cold winter.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Pain Pain

So this morning I woke up and could hardly move, my back hurt so bad. I get D up so he could study for his exam, which this morning went fine. He got right up without saying a word. DH got up and took D to school and then headed over to his parents house for coffee. So, while I was here alone I decided to add my very very limited Christmas pictures onto the computer. There were some snow pictures I wanted to copy and send to Dee and just for her I was going to add the pictures of what the apt. DH stays in looks like. So, I head off to get my big camera to add the pictures and find no memory card in the camera. I still can't find the memory cards, that's right, I have two memory cards missing. I have no idea where they are or where I might have put them. I have looked high and low. I have tons of FL pictures on one of the cards which upsets me that I can't find. So, Dee, you will have to wait a bit longer on those pictures, I tried.

So today's plans are to finish up some laundry and maybe someone will get N's boxes to the attic so I can finally start on the Christmas tree. DH asked this morning if I was ever going to take the tree down which I replied, "As soon as people get their crap out of the living room so I have room to take it down." Which he asked why no one took N's boxes upstairs this week. Well hello, people have to be home to do it and its only weds. He was acting like it was Friday that he came

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I'm so frustrated today. I call to make my DH a doctors appt. since he is in town and they tell me his account has been red flagged. Can't see the doctor till our bill is paid. I'm like, hello, I haven't gotten a bill from them in months, like maybe 5 or 6 months now. I thought the bill was paid because of not getting one from them in all this time. I even have a past due amount that I didn't know I had either. He needs to go in and get his blood pressure pills and this week is a good and bad week to do it in. Good that he is home to be able to go in, bad cause he is laid off and we are low on funds. So, I have set up an appt for Thursday which is pay day from last week. Then there will be no money for two weeks. I haven't had to deal with unemployment in like 1 1/2 years now so this is a pain in the butt timing coming off of Christmas and New Years. He doesn't get holiday pay, only for the days he works and during those 2 weeks, he worked 3 days a week is all.

Monday, January 14, 2008

I can relate

So, missy Dee got herself a vacuum today and hearing her total dusty carpets reminded me of my vacuum and the cleaning I need to do with it before I can even use the dumb thing. But I did manage to get the stairs and bathroom floors swept today. Then cleaned the kitty litter box, got the pop cans together to take back to the store. I cleaned up the mess in the bathroom that C left before he went away and all the while doing this I got pretty mad. I can't even clean my house till the boys clean up the pig pen that they have made to my downstairs. Once they get their messes cleaned up, I want to get my Christmas tree taken down. Yes, I still have my tree up, but I did get the tree down at the apt. So, that counts for

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Well, I'm still dealing with this weird headache, I'm wondering if it is a cluster headache or a migraine. I really don't recall having a migraine like this since I rarely ever get one. But it is behind one eye and the bones around the eye. Later it will shoot up to my forehead and then that will be it for me doing anything. The weather keeps changing on me so that never helps.

The other headache was looking at my electric bill that I know I can not pay for the whole thing. Having low pay checks for 3 weeks in a row coming off of Christmas, plus it looks like DH will be going on unemployment next week. First time for unemployment in over a year. I had to put minutes on D's prepaid cell phone today so he doesn't lose his phone or number. I need to put some money on the electric bill, the cable, my cell phone and the home phone yet. So there goes any ideas of me getting a new cell phone for myself this week. I have needed a new one for about 8 months now, but I had to wait till my date of renewal first which was the 9th of this month.

But, I'm not going to worry about all of this, we will get by some how, we always do.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

What A Day It Turned Out To Be

Today just feels like a day of great pain. Pain in my areas of my life whether it be physical or emotional. The physical part is the continuous of pain in my joints, the RSD or the headaches. Today I have all the pain. A cluster headache that is hurting behind my left eye, temple and cheek bone. Finally I had had enough and took a nap. So, I wake up, of course the joint pain is still there but the headache was even worse, go figure. The emotional pain is D and his school work, or I should say lack of school work. After getting a NC in one of his class for the 2nd time this school year, he was dropped from that class. There goes the credits we were trying to get done before graduation. I'm at the point where I just don't care anymore, even though I know I do. Its very depressing.

Oh on top of it all, C got me a fridge for Christmas that is driving me nuts. I have never heard one make such grinding noises when it comes on, it quiets down after a minute but it is loud and driving me crazy. For those that don't know me, I hate and I repeat, I hate noises period. I was thinking about going and getting another one and see if it makes noise to, if it don't then this one can run its grinding noise right back to the store. Well, one of them will go back to the store, not keeping and of course C doesn't know what he did with the receipt so I will have to buy it first and take one back....what a pain in the butt that is.

So, my nice thoughts of taking D to the monster trucks this weekend went right down the tubes when he told me he got dropped from his class. So, I guess I don't have to waste the gas to go to the apt this weekend after all. D only has to go in one day this week and take his exams so I thought it might be something fun to do. NOT HAPPENING NOW!!

Doesn't look like much work going on for next week, so DH will probably be home on Monday. Man, I don't know how to act having him home that many days in a, he has been doing this out of town job for over a year now. Can't believe that much time has passed already, but it has. Looks like my poor bills will pay the price for this lack of work. There wasn't much work going on this past week either, but as each day went on DH had people to go talk to about the job he is doing tomorrow, plus there was a job he did on Thursday, so that at least kept him busy.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Going Home Tomorrow

Well I'll be heading home tomorrow afternoon after DH gets out of work. It sure will be nice to have a car again, have all my daily stuff around I don't have alot of things here to keep myself busy, just the computer and a sewing machine that I haven't used yet. I need to buy fabric first. Plus we are talking an apt, there is only so much cleaning to do, blink your eyes and your done.

Can't say for sure if D is happy to have me coming home or is liking the freedom without me He has asked me a few times this week. We didn't know if DH was working all week or not since work is alittle slow right now. Is all I know and this is for Deana, I don't mind leaving D alone now and then, like a few days here and there. I have been gone from home about 3/4 of the month of Dec and had no idea I was coming back down here so soon. The last 2 weeks of coming down here was only to try out the new mattress for the 30 days, plus I had something here that I needed to pick up once I found and yes, the key word was "FIND IT" So, I don't like to leave him that long at a even tho he is almost 18, a few days here and there in a week is about all I'm comfortable with being he is still in school.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Yuck Outside

I'm back at the apt. from going home for the weekend. I needed to come back and get some money I forgot and left here to pay a couple of bills. Now why on earth I forgot is beyond me. But I'll go to the bank to deposit it today and send out the bills tomorrow. I'm not really sure how you send things out here at the apt. but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

We have had a warm up with some rain and all the snow has melted making the outside look ugly and brown mud. The one thing that I hate in the winter is when there is no snow on the ground and is all you see is brown grass and mud. I hate winters to start with but if I have to put up with it at least give me snow to look

So, I have the new stereo down here, sounds pretty good so far. I wasn't going to keep it but I asked DH if he wanted me to take it back and get better speakers for my computer to listen to my music that way or bring it down here and I still get new speakers for my Well you can guessed it, he said bring it down here so he has something nice to listen to. The radio works, the cd player works, now is all I have to try is the ipod with it. I also have my sewing machine down here, so I think I'll play around with it and figure it all out before I start working on curtains.

So, other then that I have nothing much to do but play on here, read a book or watch tv. This is the last week I'm coming down here for awhile, I can't keep leaving D behind. I don't leave him unless either C is home and if not, he goes to N's apt in town. So there is always someone there for him.

Friday, January 4, 2008


Finally, we have a regular mattress to sleep on down here at the apt. We got the mattress last Thurs. but the box springs had to be ordered, which came in today. We were planning on leaving for home today, but we are going to stay one more night and try the bed out now that it is complete. It will be nice not feeling like you are sleeping on the

I didn't start on the curtain for money is tight right now. No work, no pay and since Christmas and News Years fell in the work week there is only 3 days of pay for both weeks. So, the next time I come down here maybe I can work on it some.

I'm starting to feel like I can take more days off from home and D with school. He is going to be 18 in March and can get himself off to school and do the work with me or without me C is there anyways so he isn't alone. He has 4 more months before he graduates and that is going feel so weird come this fall when I won't have to be buying school clothes, making sure I'm in town for him. I guess when the last child you have finishes school it is always a strange feeling.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful New Years Eve and all were safe. Its hard to believe it is 2008 already. I remember thinking back to when D started high school and saying to him, "just four more years and you will be done." Well, that time has come, now is all I have to say is, "just a few more months"

Last night we started getting some bad weather, under a winter storm warning. I don't know how much we got, but we sure did get alot. It is still snowing but very lightly. I see the road is starting to get cleared up. Now I'm just hoping it won't take the expressway long to clear up to since I'm going back down to DH's apt today. But the bad thing about that is, they got this snow last night too, but there is 3-5 inches coming today for down, fun fun.

Last night we went out to dinner with 2 of my brother inlaws and their wives. Came back and played a game and played cards till the new year came in. Had a nice time.