Friday, April 27, 2007

I know, I know

Ok, so I'm alittle behind on my blog these days, but really I have an excuse. I haven't been home for a few days. Went to the town where my DH is getting a work paid apt. So one of the days was going and picking out which building we wanted for the lake view. Next day was going back and paying the deposit and rent. Its a good thing my DH has a training class at the office tomorrow so he can get a check for the money we paid out on it. So, after his training class is over with (half day) we will be taking a load of stuff there. OH, he picks up the keys today. This apt. is 2 1/2 hours away from here. No more hotel living for him, yayayay!! It gets old after awhile and he has been doing it since Dec. We have some furniture to go in it. Like sofa, loveseat, one livingroom lamp, a dinning room table, but no chairs. We have 2 dressers for the bedroom, but no beds. So a air mattress will have to do for us and a futon for my son. I have some kitchen stuff but there will be things to buy down the line. My son and I will probably spend most of the summer there with coming home on the weekends like he (DH) has been doing since Dec. We have lots of work to do on the house and it still needs to get done.

So today I have some running around to do, bank, store, gas, prescription....lolol, fun fun.

D has a chance to do a computer class at home to make up some credits he is behind in school. During the summer time it is 125.00 for 1/2 credit. The high school is charging 50.00 for 1/2 credit. So it is 2 for the price of D's school still needs to get more info. I hope they fill me in soon because the more he can get done now, then I won't have to worry about the one month of summer school for the 125.00 price. Have the whole summer free.

Friday, April 20, 2007

What A Day

What a day it has been today. I'm not sure what is up with my daughter lately but she is driving me nuts. She needs to just move out and make all our lives at home happier and easier. It is time. You get to the point where you feel like your job is done and over with as a parent and then it is just time to leave and get on with their own lives and let us get on with ours so to speak.

I got news tonight that a friend of ours house burned. One of his dogs was in the house with her puppies and they were fine and at my uncles house tonight. But as far as I know, one of their cats didn't make it, not sure about the rest. He had been having some electrical problems and had a electrician there yesterday and found out the whole house needs to be re-wired. No one was home when the fire started, thankfully. I guess he doesn't need to re-wire now. I guess tomorrow I'll take a run over to see how bad it is.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

So Sad

I'm so saddened for the family and friends of VT college. I pray for all that have became victims of this one crazy person. I can not even imagine the pain as a parent myself. Its sad that we have to wonder were to send our children to keep them safe while till have them learn. I seem to be glued to the tv and trying to get all the information I can. Then this morning there was something suspicious going on at another location of the college. But now the all clear has been called.

I pray for this person's family and what the angry public may do to them. This family didn't shoot these people, so I pray that people leave them alone. I don't feel bad for the person that did the killing but I feel bad for his family, they lost a trouble child in the worse killing of American history. They are in pain as well as the rest of the world.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

I'm Away

I'm away for the weekend.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

It's Me

Happy Easter to anyone that may read this. Today was full of family and a great meal. It seems my family just doesn't see enough of each other through out the year. I decided since there is no school this week for D and for my sisters kids that we would get the kids together for a day. There is always so much info to talk about that you just can't get it all in in one day....lolol

My mom called me this morning before all of us came over to let us know that she came down with shingles yesterday and was put on some meds. As long as she was covered, didn't touch the spots and we didn't hug her we should be ok. So, the staying covered and not touching it went just fine, but the "don't hug" part, well that didn't go over to well with any of, she got her normal hugs hello and She has some joint aches but she found it quickly and got on meds, so she should do ok.

Yesterday DH and I went through all the breakers (sp) in the house and figured out what rooms were wired together so when we are ready to re-wire we know where everything is located. That took alot of our time yesterday, but it had to be done. So, the income tax money is here and next weekend we will probably be ordering the new livingroom window. I can't wait, our livingroom window doesn't even open, it will be nice in the spring to get a breezing going through the house.

Well, that's it for me tonight. Again Happy Easter.