Monday, January 7, 2008

Yuck Outside

I'm back at the apt. from going home for the weekend. I needed to come back and get some money I forgot and left here to pay a couple of bills. Now why on earth I forgot is beyond me. But I'll go to the bank to deposit it today and send out the bills tomorrow. I'm not really sure how you send things out here at the apt. but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

We have had a warm up with some rain and all the snow has melted making the outside look ugly and brown mud. The one thing that I hate in the winter is when there is no snow on the ground and is all you see is brown grass and mud. I hate winters to start with but if I have to put up with it at least give me snow to look

So, I have the new stereo down here, sounds pretty good so far. I wasn't going to keep it but I asked DH if he wanted me to take it back and get better speakers for my computer to listen to my music that way or bring it down here and I still get new speakers for my Well you can guessed it, he said bring it down here so he has something nice to listen to. The radio works, the cd player works, now is all I have to try is the ipod with it. I also have my sewing machine down here, so I think I'll play around with it and figure it all out before I start working on curtains.

So, other then that I have nothing much to do but play on here, read a book or watch tv. This is the last week I'm coming down here for awhile, I can't keep leaving D behind. I don't leave him unless either C is home and if not, he goes to N's apt in town. So there is always someone there for him.

1 comment:

Dee said...

you change your mind, can leave d, can't leave D and you tease me??? LOLOL