Monday, December 8, 2008

Very Long and Very Sad

It was a very long and stressful weekend and I'm very glad it is over with. It was a very sad time at the funeral home today. When isn't it a sad time, but when one is only 20 years old when one dies makes it a bit sadder. It was hard watching my cousin as he sat in his wheel chair watching his daughter that laid in the casket. Watching a boyfriend with tears as all his dreams were gone. The girl he was going to marry next year can no longer be his. A mother, a brother, a sister hold each other was they wiped the tear from each others face. The girl I seen in the casket wasn't a girl that I remembered, she didn't even look like the same person. All thought the accident didn't injury her face, she still didn't look like herself. Maybe it was the wig they put on her because of her having no hair from the brain surgery, maybe it was that she didn't have her glasses on. But what I believe is that she was no longer here on earth the day of the accident. She wasn't alive at the screen of the accident. Fractured her skill in 2 places, 2 very big brain injuries with no activity from the time of the accident. The machines were the only thing keeping her body alive and that finally said it had enough.

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