Monday, October 13, 2008


Its really hard going back and forth between two homes. So when I say I'm home again, no one has any idea which home I'm really at. The apt. has become my HOME since I'm here 5 days out of the week. So, I'm home It was nice to get away from my stinky house. The smell from the dogs was just to much for me and from what I understand the smell was even worse before the boys started cleaning up after them the day we went home (Friday). Hello, how long do you really think it takes to potty train a puppy, sorry, not this long. If you own a puppy, then that means you watch them every minute and take them out all the time. Watch for the signs that they may have to use the bathroom. Don't just leave them in the house while you go away when they aren't trained, don't just think you can sleep in forever in the morning and think the puppy can hold it that long. I shouldn't have to put up with this inside my house when the dogs are not mine, but my boys. I can't seem to get anywhere with my hubby on the subject. He likes the dogs but doesn't like what they are doing to the house, so what does he say, NOTHING. Doesn't want to look like the bad guy all the time. Hello, whose house is it???? The kids I guess. So, I made sure I brought more winter clothes and a winter coat to the apt. So I don't have to go home to the HOUSE for

1 comment:

Dee said...

R needs to buckle down on the dog issue