Friday, November 16, 2007

I'm Home

Just wanted to drop by and tell all that I'm home now. I seen my first real snow fall yesterday. Came down like the size of dimes. Very pretty but of course it didn't stay on the ground because the ground is still to warm. DH and D didn't get a deer yesterday but D did shoot at one and missed. My mom said that my dad got a 5 point buck yesterday morning. I haven't heard from C yet so I don't know how that bunch is doing. I left wed. afternoon and when we got to the apt. we found out that DH didn't bring D's gun down there with him like we thought and never gave it another thought to ask or look to make sure before we drove down there. So, DH, D and I drove all the way back home to pick it up and the boots that D forgot too. Drove back to the apt. All in all it was almost 8 hours on the So, when Thurs. came I just didn't feel like driving home.

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