Friday, November 30, 2007

I'm going NUTS!

I'm going nuts, does anyone want to join me? I'm ready to murder a child about now. C is trying to quit smoking, wants things done like 1 year ago and won't do a darn thing I have asked him to do. Like clean up my downstairs from all the hunting stuff laying around, dirty clothes. He just keeps telling me what he needs to do first, blah blah. Then tells me he doesn't do anything till afternoon when he isn't working, hello, I want it done this morning so this afternoon I can do the things I want to get done down there. Ok, so I'm not in a great mood about now. Plus it is snowing out, its cold and I have to run to the bank. Wonderful!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What a Day

What a day I had today, I did I watched stuff on ebay, stayed in my PJ's, watched TV and you wouldn't believe how tired I I did sweep the stairs down and swept the bathroom but other then that, nothing. I have no idea why I'm so tired, it isn't like I got up early even, went to bed early last night. Oh well, I'll be heading to bed in a minute.

As each day passes and Christmas gets closer, you can just feel the temps. getting colder. It was kind of funny today. I asked C what it was outside today while he was standing by the livingroom window. He says, "man, its 50 degrees out, I didn't know it was going to be that warm." I told him to look again because there was no way it was that warm, I was freezing. So, he opens the front door, takes the fastest peak ever and says, "man, its freezing out there, its only 30 degrees." then slams the door shut. I told him he needed to either get new glasses or he needed to go back to school and learn his math

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I really do hate winter. I know I say it every year. Its so weird to listen to people who say they love winter and I think, what, they love to freeze, I don't get But of course I had to go out into the ice box this morning and take D to school. Again his ride didn't show up.

I will be going back out in the ice box with my sister to head to a store that has snowman figurines. We go to this store every year and she missed it during the candle walk. Well she didn't get to go to the candle walk is more what I mean.

I have many things I want to do this week but of course I won't get to them until C gets all his hunting stuff out of my way. I don't see that happening till this weekend, so about the only thing I can do is my laundry. But, we will see, it is still early in the week.

Monday, November 26, 2007

My Niece

Yesterday I went to my sisters house to give my niece her Christmas gifts and to visit for awhile. We had a really nice time. I learned a new card game that will be fun to play with other people. We didn't get to stay as long as I would have liked because DH needed to get on the road and head to the apt. Before we left my nephew and his wife showed up so we seen them for a few minutes.

Today I will be meeting up with my sisters, mom, niece and N for lunch before my niece flies home tonight and then I'll try to start on some Christmas shopping. Sure wish I could do it all from the

Saturday, November 24, 2007


The TOP SECRET Green Powder... Everyone wants to know about our premier fuel additive product! Our product has been tested using the EPA's criteria for the evaluation of fuel additives and the results are in! The FTP and HFET tests conducted by an independent laboratory provide a reasonable degree of confidence that the product causes a real improvement in fuel economy and reduction in emissions.* WE MUST GET BIO MPG/EMISSION IMPROVER IN EVERY VEHICLE IN AMERICA!! WE ARE DECLARING OUR INDEPENDENCE ON FOREIGN OIL!!! Bio MPG/ Emission Improver has been proven in an EPA recognized lab to make every car go further on a gallon of gas! It is our call, duty, mandate and mission to get our product into every vehicle in America... NOW before it is TOO LATE!!!

Transportation accounts for two-thirds of U.S. oil consumption! Let me say that again. Transportation accounts for two-thirds of U.S. oil consumption! That means the U.S. transportation sector is burning an average of 15.58 million barrels of oil per day.

That is nearly 700 million gallons, or 2.3 gallons per day for every man, woman, and child. In the time it takes to read this paragraph, our transportation system will have used more than 595,000 gallons of fuel! If this doesn't scream, "It's me, transportation, I'm your energy problem," then I don't know what will.

"Making every car go further on a gallon of gas is the cleanest, fastest and most reliable way to reduce our dependence on oil and provide families with lasting relief at the pump."

America spends more than $200,000 per minute on foreign oil -- $13 million per hour. More than $25 billion a year goes for Persian Gulf imports alone. This NRDC analysis considers oil demand and supply projections and how our current policy of oil dependence affects our economy and security. With U.S. gasoline consumption accounting for 11 percent of world oil production, the U.S. has been hit hard by our dependence on oil, intensifying our economic and political vulnerability.



Today my family went bowling with my niece as I stating earlier. We had a wonderful time together. I didn't bowl worth beans I'm sure I will be a tad bit sore tomorrow. After bowling we just came home and ate dinner and watched tv. I will go out either tomorrow or Sunday to get my niece' Christmas gift.....I have only been talking about this for a week now. But now I know what she wants for Christmas. Then I'll take it to her on Sunday when I go to my sisters house. Then the talk is that my mom, my other sister, my niece and my sister, and me will go out to lunch on Monday. My niece flys back home on monday night.

Tomorrow the plan is to put more plastic up on the windows and the ceiling in the livingroom and kitchen. Anything that will help keep it warmer in here for the winter. Then around 6:30pm we are going to a candle walk in the next town over. We usually go every year and I pick up a few snowmans. In between the plastic getting put up and the candle walk my DH and son are planning on going out deer hunting.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Black Friday

Thanksgiving was nice but I ended up with a upset tummy half way through my meal and stayed with me the rest of the day. But still had a nice time. In the evening we went over to my parents and seen my niece from out of town. It is always so great to see her, just wish she had more time home. We watched her wedding video since none of us could make it to her wedding. Very nice

Today we are going bowling with the whole family to spend more time with my niece. I still don't have her Christmas gift but at least I know what she wants and will get it to her sometime this weekend. Just won't be I will not be going to any store on black friday. People are to rude and pushy for me. So I'll just wait for some good sales some other time but this weekend. But, what she wants N can get it since it is in the store she works

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. I will be going to my inlaws for dinner and then to my parents house for dessert, only because my niece is in Its not my parents year for us to come over. Tomorrow is also my son C's 26th birthday. Man, I can't believe the kid is that old. Where did all the time

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Christmas Tree

Today I helped N get her Christmas tree up since after Thanksgiving she will be very busy working at both stores. The tree turned out very nice. We did have to run to the store to pick up some more lights.

I've been so tired today, spent most of my night awake in a half awake, half asleep state. Sitting up in bed thinking there is a war going on all around me and I couldn't lay down till the war was over. Mind you I have been watching the movie North and, so I guess I just took the movie and ran it right into my, and I remember it

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Movie

Today I went to my sisters house and watched the 4th DVD of the North and South movie. It felt like it was the last part but it says there is still 1 more DVD to watch. I have no idea what will be on it. Its been years since I seen the movie and it was great watching it again. I do feel a tad bit tired tonight and it is still early. I'm having sinus pressure behind my eyes that is giving me a headache.

Tomorrow I need to go out and get my niece a Christmas gift since she will be coming home for Thanksgiving and won't make it for Christmas this year. I do want to get a few more things out to decorate the house. Its weird, I'm not really in the Christmas spirit yet but I do want to get things out. I guess I need to figure out what goes out here and what will go out at the apt. too. I'm sure N will want to come over or go with me tomorrow since she didn't see me today on her day off. She has tomorrow off too.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Todays Craft Shows

Today was one of the crafts shows that I have been looking forward to. I ended up getting another cabinet door, shovel and sauce pan, all with snowman on them. I will have to take a picture of them tomorrow. Then we went to a private owned craft show, which I didn't get anything. We also went to a apple barn/craft store. They make there own baked goods also and I picked up a 1/2 dozen cinnamon/apple donuts. Very good

I had problems today with a headache since I got out of bed and pain behind both my eyes so when the shows were done I came right home. I just finished up watching some more of the North and South movie. Only 2 more DVD's to

Talked to all the guys tonight and so far no one has gotten a deer. The only thing C got was a big big big whole in his checking account that could take him some time getting out of. Man, what is up with a few people I know going in the hole this week at the bank.....{D} hugs

Friday, November 16, 2007

I'm Home

Just wanted to drop by and tell all that I'm home now. I seen my first real snow fall yesterday. Came down like the size of dimes. Very pretty but of course it didn't stay on the ground because the ground is still to warm. DH and D didn't get a deer yesterday but D did shoot at one and missed. My mom said that my dad got a 5 point buck yesterday morning. I haven't heard from C yet so I don't know how that bunch is doing. I left wed. afternoon and when we got to the apt. we found out that DH didn't bring D's gun down there with him like we thought and never gave it another thought to ask or look to make sure before we drove down there. So, DH, D and I drove all the way back home to pick it up and the boots that D forgot too. Drove back to the apt. All in all it was almost 8 hours on the So, when Thurs. came I just didn't feel like driving home.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Beautiful Day

I can't wait for this day to begin today, it is suppose to be full sun and 62 degrees. Now for November that is way above the normal temps and I want to go out and enjoy the day.

Yesterday I went to my sisters and watched the 3 disk/side 1 of the North and South movie. We had a nice time. I was going to go there today and finish it up since we only seen one side of the disk but I want to get a few things done outside instead.

Tomorrow after D gets done with school, I'll be taking him down to the apt. to go deer hunting with my DH. But I don't plan on staying for the 4 days, I'm coming back home on Thursday. DH can bring him back home on, I have craft shows to go to Chris left this morning for the deering hunting camp with a friend/co-worker, so I will have some peace and quiet when I come home. That is as long as Nicole doesn't stop by every time she goes by the

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Learned The Hard Way

I must say I learned a lesson the hard way this morning. I came across a link to one of my old blogs on here that I had deleted and found the blog still somewhat there. It had my picture and all my old info and links, but the blog entries wasn't mine at all. When I deleted the blog I thought it was gone so I never deleted the info first. Once you delete a blog sometimes spammers get a hold of it and that is what happened in my case. So, if you delete a blog, delete all the entries, user info and links first before finishing up the delete.


Yesterday was the 2nd craft day that we have all been to this year and I must say I was very disappointed. The craft show I really wanted to go to got canceled. They were planing on 2 shows this fall so I'm hoping they don't cancel the Dec. 8th one. They never even put a sign outside or anything, we had N go in and check on it since there wasn't very many cars in the parking lot. The other 2 shows we went to was rather on the boring side. Same kind of stuff, just different places. After the shows were done we all went to Olive Garden for soup and salads. I hadn't been there in years. We had a nice time just sitting there and talking. This time N got to go eat with us and she even paid for mine. She had just enough time to eat before going to work. Then the rest of us went to see a movie. It was a pretty good movie. We all enjoyed it.

While I was gone for the day my DH and brother inlaw worked on getting his brakes taken care of and had to cut up and package the deer that he hit on Friday night.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Poor Deer

Last night I get a call from my DH about the time he was suppose to be getting home from work with some not so great news. He had hit a deer with the company truck. After waiting for the police to get there, do the report, he finally makes it home about 1 to 1 1/2 hours later. So upon pulling in the driveway I went out to take a look at the damage. Pretty good job, no grill, no left head light, radiator was messed up, not a pretty picture. But the good news for the company was, the airbag didn't go off. Went to the back of the truck to tell the poor deer I was sorry he had to get hit by the big mean truck. Then I told the little button buck that he should have stayed of the roads like his mom showed him....LOLOL

Today is craft shows day and a movie. So who knows what time I will make it home today. I hope it is early enough because I want to finish the cd of North and South movie. There are 5 cds and I'm only on number 2 with the 3rd one coming in the mail at anytime.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Craft Show Season

It past weekend was the beginning of craft show season. My mom, my 2 sisters, my niece, my daughter and I took off early in the morning for several shows. My daughter didn't get to do a full day of it because she had to go to work. After leaving her we all went to a few more then to lunch, which really ended up being lunch and There are more the next two Saturdays, so I will be busy. After the shows were done for the day, I went back to my sisters house to wait for my son to come home with my brother inlaw and nephew. After they came home my DH came and picked us up because he had my car for the day fixing my If it isn't one thing with my car it is another.

Yesterday my inlaws came over for a short visit but that visit ended up being the wrong time of the day for us. We were right in the middle of putting some plastic up on the windows and by the time they left it was almost time for the race to start. So, not all the plastic never made it up. Its really hard to get everything done with the short amount of time my DH is home. Which is only 8 days a month.

Today I have a headache so not much is happening at home. Just a few things got picked up and cleaned up. D is on his way home from school and N will be coming over to watch a show I taped for her last week. That will be my lay down time for this stupid headache.

The school called today and I have PTC on wed. at 11am, which I know D had a good report card so I'm not worried about it.