Thursday, September 6, 2007

Now what?

I'm home and find so much to do but yet I just don't feel like doing anything. Its to hot and to hot in other

I know there is so much to be thankful for in my life and at the same time I have so much out of control things. Right now the biggest thing is my car. It died last night, no gas going to the motor. Why can't these things happen on the weekend when hubby is home to fix them???? So, I get to wait till he comes home this weekend to look at it. I so needed to go grocery shopping today, but I guess we can eat soup or something for Its just me and D here till this weekend.

I got my hair cut short this week. The way they styled it is cute but something I won't be doing every day. I'm the lazy kind of person when it comes to my hair. I just want to wash it and go. But now that it is this short, it isn't working out like I had hoped. The reason I got most of it cut off was because the hair was all dead and straw like feeling. Its been a long long time since its been cut. We will see how this goes. Maybe I should have waited until after my parents 50th anniversary party which is the 15th of this month.....lolol

School has started, so now the other stress begins. I'm sure I will be complaining about it real soon. Like, D, will you please say in your afternoon classes?????? lolol

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