Tuesday, August 7, 2007

For The Last Week

Well the weekend for the race was a long weekend that turned into one long week. It was wonderful to see one of our friends, but the race, thats a whole different story. I can say I have been to the Brickyard, but as for going back to that track, I don't think so. One of the stupidest set ups I've seen yet. So this is how the last week went.

Friday: Come home from apt. go to my sisters 40th birthday party.

Saturday: Meet sisters in the morning, come home and drive back to the apt. shower and head for IN to friends house. Get there around 8:30pm

Sunday: Go to the race, drive back to the apt.

Monday: Get up and drive back home, rest the rest of the day.

Tuesday: Get up and go to my parents house to visit, pick up the slides pictures and the machine to view them from. Go to sisters to go over the pictures but the light bulb didn't work. Had to order one, sister and I go back to parents house to see if there is a bulb in one of the other machines, yes find one, go back to sisters, start looking over pictures. Went through half the reels before going home in the evening. Oh, started calling halls to rent for the party.

Wed: Get up, go to parents to help mom with vcr/dvd player that I connected the day before. Head back to sisters to go through the rest of the slides. Have 134 slides picked out to make into pictures. Didn't get home again till evening.

Thurs: Finally cleaned up the house, went to the store to start on the school clothes shopping. Went and paid on the hall we decided to get.

Fri: Get up and started packing up the rest of Nicole's bedroom and putting her crap in the closet. Got out some of my workout stuff, set up to use. Went back to the store, needed pants for dinner plans I had in the evening with 3 of my girlfriends. We go every year for our birthdays (all in July).

Sat: Meet sisters again to go over the food list. Went shopping for prices, have that all taken care of. Picked up a few things here and there for the party. Took the slides in to get the pictures made. Went back to sisters house and my nephew put some movies and games on my ipod for me so I have something to do when I fly back home from FL. Never got home till 9pm.

Sunday: Went to Aunties house for a visit, came home packed my stuff up to go to the apt for the week, cleaned up some last minute things in the house.

Monday: Went to the doctors at 7:15am and drove back down to the apt.

So that is what the last week has looked like. I leave for FL a week from tomorrow, so this is the last week to spend time with hubby and boys. Not sure what day, but we are going to the movies one day this week. I will leave for FL on the 15th and fly home on the 30th of Aug.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

think I need a vacation just from reading all that!! Hi Laurie!!