Friday, March 9, 2007

Why Blog??

So, I ask what few people read my blog, why blog??? I have nothing new to say, my life is rather boring in the winter time. I don't go anywhere if I can help it. My daily activities range from: Picking up the house, cleaning, computer, tv, doilies, kids, dinners.....lolol What's there to tell??? Oh, I had a fine headache, listen to the kids fight with each other, maybe add a dog in there barking??? So, I guess if there is nothing to blog, there will be nothing to read also.

1 comment:

Dee said...

My Dear Laurie,
Why Blog you ask? I think you have a lot to say and a lot to add to the world to make it a better place, you don't have to blog on "your day". Not everyone has wonderfully exciting days to talk and share about, take me for example.
You need to make your blog about you! I see your blog containing lots of pictures, because you have the talent of a photographer. You don't have to blog words, you can blog pictures like your title states, Life is a Picture with a Little Music. Let your blog match your theme.
Even if you don't know it, people read and look.