Wednesday, February 7, 2007

It's Still Freezing Here

As I sit here, in the cold dark room called "The Computer Room", I think of other people that aren't so lucky to have a roof over their head. Even if it is a gross house I live in, its a roof over my head. What are they doing to keep warm? What about the people that have been put out of their homes due to a fire? What about the animals? These are things that are on my mind this morning. I still have no plastic on the window in here, which I may try to do myself. D was suppose to do it yesterday for me. It feels like -11 out there and there is a good cold breeze coming off the window going to my poor computer.

I started working on another doily in a shape I have never tried before. It isn't a round one. Looks like it might be fun, so I'll work on that while Dr.Phil is on today.

I will have to start cleaning at some point today or at least start picking everyone else's mess up. I did a little bit already, but the kitchen is the worse and it will be calling my name shortly.

I still haven't cut out the fabric for the trunk yet, I just need everyone gone from the house so I can think of how I want to do it. With no school the last few days and Nicole was off yesterday, I just can't get to it. She leaves for work today and D will be about ready to come home from school. So that isn't working for me. But, at least the trunk is in the house and ready for me.

So, that is about it for me

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