Saturday, January 27, 2007

Do You Wonder Why?

Do you ever wonder why you do the things you do? Why you have to live with uncaring, ungrateful people that you call your family? Wonder why you spend anytime cleaning and find the next day it was for nothing? Wonder why you are the one that has to pick up others drink glasses, soda cans, dishes, throw their trash away, put back pillows and remote controls, put back blankets, shoes, nail clippers, all the things that were done the day before? Why is it when they get older, the lazier they are? It was easier to get them all to take care of their things when they were younger. I had the kitchen completely cleaned yesterday. My sons job is to take care of the kitchen after dinner. Yes he put the food away, but no, he only stacked the dishes while the dishwasher sits almost empty, no he did not wash the counters or stove. So, here it is again, me cleaning it up. I wonder at times why I even care, no one else does, they don't care if they live in a pig pen. Of course they don't care that the carpet is so gross and badly needs vacuuming. ( I can't vacuum, tendinitis, still waiting to get me a vacuum I can use). I tell them over and over to take care of this or that, sometimes it gets done, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I just have to yell. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't....lolol It is so hard to take care of a home when no one else is. The house is falling a part, needs many many things done. But there are a few things that embassies me badly in and outside of this house, but my hubby don't seem to care as long as there is a roof over your head, then he don't care. What happened to him as he aged??? I don't get it.
Well enough of my complaining for today and it is only


Anonymous said...

I completely understand Laurie!! And I feel your pain, I really do!! Why do we put up with it, I'm not sure. I'm sure someone has the answer to our questions!

Dee said...

I think many women can relate to this one. Hang in there because I do care and so does Julie! Don't let them get you down. I felt the same way like you did and it is a hard feeling to overcome! That is why we have eachother , to talk to about the same things we go thru.

Love and Blessings,