I also haven't felt all that great today, its not like I can really put a finger on just one thing. Maybe I need some extra sleep, I'm feeling very tired tonight.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Can't Believe It
I also haven't felt all that great today, its not like I can really put a finger on just one thing. Maybe I need some extra sleep, I'm feeling very tired tonight.
Posted by
11:10 PM
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
There Here
My brother in law just called and said my buick rivie is just about fixed, alright. We haven't been able to use it for several years. He just needs to put on some new tires. I should have it back this weekend. So, on friday I will need to get some new plates for it and put insurance back on it. I'm one happy camper, I really miss this car.
I got alittle more done on the Christmas doily that I was doing. 1 big one and 2 little ones done. Just working on the last big one.
Posted by
12:36 PM
Monday, January 29, 2007
The Rest of the Day
Anyway, I messed around on the computer for about 30 minutes and went to lay down. While half laying down watching tv, I managed to get 2 small and 1/2 large doily made. They are red doilies for Christmas time. Sometime after pay day this week I want to go pick up some ecru color and make some new ones, mine are started to get kind of gross. Need fresh nice looking ones for a change. I also make, but haven't in a few years, snowflakes, 3 D snowflake, snowballs, angels and harden them up for the Christmas tree.
Posted by
10:52 PM
Not A Great Start
Posted by
9:45 AM
Sunday, January 28, 2007
So, that was my boring day.
Posted by
11:17 PM
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Do You Wonder Why?
Well enough of my complaining for today and it is only 10:31am...lol
Posted by
10:17 AM
Friday, January 26, 2007
Anti Procrastination Day
Posted by
1:26 PM
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Homemaking ...........
Homemaking meme...
Aprons – Y/N? If Y, what does your favorite look like? No, but I do have a Jeff Gordon one that I have never used.
Clothesline – Y/N? Yes I have a clothes line, but it mainly gets used for swimming suits and towels in the summer.
Donuts – Have you ever made them? Donuts? Yes but has been years, they were cinnamon
Every day – One homemaking thing you do every day. I straighten up
Freezer – Do you have a separate deep freeze? Yes
Garbage Disposal – Y/N? No
Handbook – What is your favorite homemaking resource?......MY FRIENDS
Ironing – Love it or hate it? Or hate it but love the results? I own an iron, I rarely use it!
Junk drawer – Y/N? Where is it? Drawer? Yes one drawer, it is in a wicker unit in my kitchen.
Kitchen – Color and decorating scheme: Green in color on the walls, the cabinets are med. color wood, the counters are white, My theme is ivy leaves, touch of apples and watermelon
Love – What is your favorite part of homemaking? Taking pictures to hang on the walls, making doilys for all tables, just trying to make it feel like a home without the big cost.
Mop – Y/N? No, I have no floors to mop, maybe the stairs, but I wash them by hand.
Nylons – Wash by hand or in the washing machine? I have cleaned them both ways.
Oven – Do you use the window or open the oven to check? Open the oven.
Pizza – What do you put on yours? Ham, onions, mushrooms, Italian sausage, black olives.
Quiet – What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment? Blogs, play computer games. Clean (I don't like to clean when there are people around), relax without the noise.
Recipe card box – Y/N? What does it look like? Yes, country look with apples
Style of house – What style is your house? If we are talking inside, depends on the room, I have many styles inside. Outside, I couldn't even say, its a weird shaped house.
Tablecloths and napkins – Y/N? No
Under the kitchen sink – Organized or toxic wasteland? Organized as of today, toxic wasteland is gone.
Vacuum – How many times per week? I don't vacuum, to hard to use the vacuum because I have tendonitis in both wrists. It usually don't get done enough for my likings. Going to buy me a light weight one so I can start doing it myself.
Wash – How many loads of laundry do you do per week? Maybe 3 for me and my dh, but my two kids do their own laundry.
Do you keep a daily list of things to do that you cross off? Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't
Yard – Y/N? Who does what? Yes, either my dh or son mows the yard, I do the flower beds
Posted by
10:36 PM
I'm Tired Today
D didn't come home on the bus again today. Said he stayed after to work on his accounting class at school, then walked home.
For some reason one of the stupid dogs outside is howling tonight, he is driving me nuts. I hate it when he gets in those moods. Sometime he will do it all night long. Can't put the shock collar on him tonight, he needs to go a few days without it. Should put it on him and not put the key in to shock. Make him think he MIGHT get shocked if he don't shut up....lol
Posted by
7:05 PM
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
1-23-07 Lazy
I'm feeling rather stressed over the fact that my son will not be graduating next year for he will not have enough credits. He has been a stressful child to raise in a lot of areas since he became a teenager. There are days when I feel like I just can't go on, like I have just had enough. I feel so drained, emotionally and physically. I so can't wait till all the school years are behind me. 2 down, 1 to go.
Posted by
12:11 AM
Monday, January 22, 2007
Little Here and There
Posted by
1:21 AM
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Another long day
Posted by
1:43 AM
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Update On My Dad
Posted by
11:44 PM
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
My Dad
Posted by
9:12 PM
I called the La-Tee-Da Effusion Lamp company to tell them that my burner stone only lasted a few months before it stopped working and to find out where I could get another one. They don't sale them there, they are a warehouse. But after talking with the lady, she is sending me new FREE burner stone in the mail....so so cool!!
This has been a productive day all in all.
Posted by
3:13 PM
Monday, January 15, 2007
Another Long Day
Today I started cleaning out my computer room. Such a mess. I moved things around to make it more comfortable. Vacuumed, called it a day after spending hours working on it....lol
I took a short nap, but I still don't feel rested. I had another weird night of sleeping again last night.
D woke me up with a dog coming in my room. His little bratty dog Toby got out of his kennel again. That dog finds anyway he can to get out. Its not like it is a small kennel in the first place...lol. D had to go fix the door area where Toby was getting out. Now lets see if he is still there in the morning.
So that was my boring day today.
Posted by
8:25 PM
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Long Day so far.....
I did do some picking up. I hate it when my dh is working out of town all week. He comes home on the weekends and all his stuff that he needs to take back with him the following week is laying all over the place.
So any hoo, Nicole is finally cleaning up her pig pen. I think after I put her vanity back in her room yesterday she realized that needed to cleaned it up if she was going to use it. Chris came over and dropped off his clothes that needed to be washed and then headed to his cousins, then off to see dh's parents. Daniel went with him, nice to be able to spend some brotherly time together. He told me they would be back around 5pm. So, that is the time his friends are coming over for a visit. (my other adopted kids...lol) So, I better get going and make some ginger snap cookies, that is Dan's favorite cookies from me....lol
I also swept the stairs down while I was at it today. I must have gotten some energy that I didn't have this morning, but I do feel a headache coming on again, bummer.
Posted by
5:19 PM
Saturday, January 13, 2007
I feel like I'm coming down with a cold, so it is airborne in the morning and before bed. Want to stop it before it comes full force.
There really isn't much of a plan for today. The only thing I need to get done is my bedroom. Which I won't even start for a few more hours.
Posted by
10:34 AM
Thursday, January 11, 2007
I got my products in from the company I'm now in business with, so I'll play around with them later. I also got some of my business cards in the mail. I made a mistake, but oh well, life goes on.
I did finally get around to a letter for my nephew that I'll send out in the mail tomorrow. I also printed off some Christmas pictures for him to see. I sure do miss him and can't wait till we can all be together again.
So, if all the words on here are mixed up, just read between the lines......lol No brain=Wrong words...lol
Posted by
5:29 PM
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
By the time I got home, it was 3:30. Didn't want to get into some big cleaning project, so I picked up a few things, vacuumed with the hose around some walls that had build up dust bunnies. Swept the stairs down and now I need a nap...lol. Need more then 5 hours of sleep you know...lol I came home to a empty house again. Nicole is at work and for some reason D isn't here. Either he missed the bus or he is uptown with his friends, which by the way, he didn't ask, so I thought he would be here. No phone call either. Will have to have a talk with him when he shows up home.
Posted by
4:07 PM
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Its a cold day
Upon getting there and pick up a few things I run right into my cousin Jim. What a nice surprise. I just don't get to see him very often. We talked for awhile, then both went our separate ways. I got some new shelf holders for the wall in the laundry room, I'm so tired of the shelf falling down and all my laundry products with it. I went back to the fabric department for a special project that I would like to start soon, found some fabric that I liked and thought would go well in the room I need it for. Deana, your going to laugh at the fabric...lol Got my stuff for the camera and headed off to the groceries. Not that I wanted to pick any up, but D wanted to make homemade pizza tonight. My kind of meal, I love pizza and I'm NOT making it....lol
I came home to an empty house as there was a note for me in the kitchen, saying I (D) went for a walk be home around 5pm. I'm thinking, the kid has to be nuts, its freezing out there with the windy blowing. When will he ever learn to stop thinking he needs to walks for exercise...lol
So the rest of the day will be relaxing, computer, some tv then sleep. Got it all planned out...lol
Posted by
5:03 PM
Monday, January 8, 2007
Update For Today
I managed to get my closet cleaned out. I even see I have a shelf above the clothes bar....lol. On the shelf I found a old teapot that I haven't seen in years behind the mess. I cleaned it up and put it on a end table in my living room. I have all the clothes nicely folded in some cubbys under where the clothes hang from. Put all the shoes away. The clothes is nice and neat now. Tomorrow I think it will be cleaning off all the dressers in my room, dusting what is on top.
As I stated earlier, I got up late today and have had a headache all day long. I will probably be in bed early tonight. I hate sleeping in so late, makes me feel like I don't have time to do anything.
I still haven't made it to the store yet, so that will also be on the list for tomorrows "to do list".
Posted by
9:03 PM
A New Day
Last night I didn't end up in bed till 3am which is very late for me. I ended up on the rocking chair trying to sleep but got woke up 2 different times by 2 different people. I finally ended up in my bed around 8:30 this morning. Usually it is D that stays up so late and me waking him up at noon to get his butt out of bed. (he is still off from school till wed) But this morning it was D waking me up.....lol
I took care of a few business things today and run up to the post office for stamps. Now I shall get my butt in gear and head to my bedroom to start on my work in the closet. I hope everyone has a productive day.
Posted by
3:16 PM
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Long Day
Posted by
3:01 PM
Sat. 1-6-2007
Never did go to the bar tonight to listen to the local band. My other brother in-law got home to late to go tonight so maybe we will hit it up next month. So instead we went to MY OTHER brother in-laws house for a visit. Ok, so this is the brother in-laws. The first one was my sisters husband. The second two were my dh's brothers....lol
D went out coon hunting with a friend of ours and ended up in a pond trying to get his dogs back on the other side of the pond. Come home soaking wet. I made him drop the clothes and get in a hot shower. He went back with the friend of ours and is spending the night. Nicole came home from work after closing and went out with her boyfriend to a friends house.
Nicole and a co-worker busted a shoplifter tonight, had to hunt the lady down in the mall at the food court and the police got called, what a mess that was. So, now she has had to deal with the first shoplifter while working. I guess the workers have been trying to catch this chick for a year now but no one has seen her in the act of doing it. Didn't see her today so her didn't get arrested. They seen the price tags and stuff on the ground and knew she had been looking at the stuff, then she left fast like. Well, she had the cell phone holder on her with the paper inside of it yet. Tried saying she bought it last week...lol. Ok, then why do you have your cell phone on a belt in a holder, have this one in a pocket with the paper stuff still inside of it...lolol duh!
So that was my boring day today...lol
Posted by
2:02 AM
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Posted by
12:14 PM
Friday, January 5, 2007
Friday 1-5-07
Posted by
10:53 PM
Thursday, January 4, 2007
A Late Start
So, the plan for today is more cleaning. I'm not sure what I will do for today's challenge at this point, but I'm sure I'll come up with something while cleaning up. I will need to put D to work on the kitchen and family room. Kitchen duty is his job, but the family room is his mess....lol. I'm going to start getting out some of the Christmas boxes to get the ornaments off the tree. I want it down come Saturday morning. I need my living room back. I will probably start getting the laundry done while I'm at it.
Update: Today I didn't get to as much cleaning as I would have liked. The things a woman has to do to keep things looking nice can be a bit much. No one notices the things I do but at least I see it and it makes me feel good. Everyone always notices it when it looks bad...lol Even though my house is a piece of crap to start with...lol But I managed to get some done. I have done several loads of laundry using my new product from Melaleuca. I have gotten my shower in, though a bit late. I did find out that my hubby is coming home tonight because he has a training class in the morning. I didn't know that....lol. D talked to him earlier today and told me. As for Mr. D, he went for a walk hours and hours ago, as of 5:45pm he still isn't home and it is getting pretty dark outside.
Posted by
9:48 AM
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
The List
I don't know what happened last night but, for some reason I was doing this and that and next thing you know, it was 2:30am and then kids were still up too....lol
Today I spent most of my time on the computer, making another blog link, setting it up, adding stuff to it. But I did find sometime in there to completely clean the computer room out. Cleaned off my desk, through trash out. I took all the Christmas boxes, paper and stuff out of the room. I loaded a few new Cd's on to itunes. I still haven't put any music on my ipod yet. Its a matter of loading all the music onto the computer...lol
Posted by
10:50 AM
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Busy Day!!
Ok, I'm back from my running around. Man, I shouldn't have gone anywhere. Here is what happened. I head out and take the CD back and get another one. I still have one more to get because I took back 2. So, I pick up a few other things and leave. I head to Wally's World and find all these great deals on DVDs. So, I pick up a ton of them plus a few other things. I stand in line for what seemed like hours. Finally, it is my turn. I like to do the self check out by the way. I scan all my stuff, comes to like almost 200.00, SLIDE the card through and it didn't get excepted. It is a debit card, I no long own a charge card, haven't in years. So, I have the lady come help cancel the whole order. So, I scan everything but the movies and SLIDE the card through again, didn't go through. At this point there are a ton of people waiting, my card didn't go through two times now. I paid a ton of bills online today but it is suppose to go to the next business day after 4pm. It was 6:30pm. I have a daily limit on my card so if someone gets my card they can't take everything we have in the bank. So, I will have to call the bank tomorrow and find out what is up with my card. At this point I'm taking this as, "your not suppose to get these things"....lolol. How embarrassing....lol
Just going to relax tonight. The kids are gone shopping, so it is just me and my new cd. I did think about going back to Walmart with cash tonight, but it is like 20 minutes away and I don't feel like it now....lol I will have to head back there tomorrow and pick up the few groceries I did have in the cart.
UPDATE: Ok, so it was bugging me about my debit card. So, I jumped in the car, ran up to the bank and used the ATM machine and believe or not, I got money out of it...lol. So, I ran back to the store but only got a few DVDs and some other stuff. Used the cash. Then went to another store to find my CD since walmart didn't have it. Got my CD and on sale mind you, then picked up two pkg of ornaments and Christmas cards on clearance. The ornaments and Christmas cards came to 5.00 for all....love clearance....lol
Posted by
2:46 PM
Many Things
I hope to make it to the store today to take back the 2 Cd's I got for Christmas. I was hoping to do that last week but never made it that far. Pick up a few things around the house, fix up my wreath on the wall and what ever else I find to do. I have some online bills to pay, write out a few checks and maybe get some laundry started. Nicole and D are home today, so I'm sure at least Nicole will want to go with me. But, I think I want to do this alone....lol I'll write later to tell all what I really did get done...lol
Posted by
11:37 AM
Monday, January 1, 2007
My Day
I joined a new company on Saturday, where I have ordered cleaning products that don't have all the chemicals in it. I'm hoping it helps relieve any headaches that I get when I clean. Maybe I'll even make a link for that website down the line....lol I can't wait to get all of it soon. I have another order ready to put in as soon as my first one comes in, well when I have the money that is...lol or the 16th of this month, which ever one comes first...lol
Chris brought D home this afternoon and then he started doing his laundry. He spent most of the day here. Chris and D spent New Years Eve just watching movie together after cleaning up his apt. just the two of them. Brotherly bonding...lol Nicole finally came home this afternoon and then took off and spent the rest of the day at Jon's house. That's like a wowowow, Jon's mom really don't like her even after 4 years together...lol
My back still hurts to move around and I find it hurts even more when I'm laying down. So, I'll be on the computer for awhile tonight...lol I can't find the dumb heating pad, stupid me didn't put it back where it goes when I used it last.
Posted by
11:23 PM
Sooooo This Morning
I have no idea when any of my kids are coming home today, I'm hoping Chris does bring D home not to late since Chris has to get up early for work. I think since I have no kids here my cats are making up the different....lol, they have been fighting with each other or not so nice play fighting, which ever one.....lolol
Hubby is already asking if I want to go over to my other brother in-laws house and see their new carpet, at 9:30 am, HELL NO!! Later maybe, when I have been watered and feel alive.....lolol
Happy New Year!!
Posted by
9:37 AM
Happy New Year
Hubby and I went to dinner with my brother in-law and sister in-law. After dinner we went to the bar. Back to their house to bring in the New Year. Nicole is with Jon and his brother and sister in-law. Daniel is at Chris' house. A few beers later, then to home. I hope everyone enjoyed the evening.
Posted by
1:21 AM