Ok enough on that, I just wanted to make sure everyone knew I was home now.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Ok enough on that, I just wanted to make sure everyone knew I was home now.
Posted by
1:44 AM
Sunday, June 17, 2007
I still haven't figured out what I'm going to do about computer Internet there. I have the same server there is here but the cable TV part comes with the apt free. So, I thought maybe since they are the same that I would take the old computer down there this week and see if it will work or not. If not then I guess I will look for a laptop the following week since I'll be home all week long.
My sisters exchange student will be leaving on the 30Th and she is having a going away party on the 26Th so that is why I'll be home. This is all going to be interesting.
I just wanted to make sure everyone knows what is going on in my life. I'm very bored down there with no computer. The library doesn't let me do a lot, just check my email and surf the web, that's about it. No instant messaging at all. Got to get that figured out and soon. There is so much you can clean and I get tired of making the doilies. I need to look for a TV for in the bedroom so there are other TV shows that each of us can watch instead of figuring out who gets to watch which show and who gets to miss out. D has his own in his room and the other one is in the livingroom.
Take care to all!!
Posted by
3:33 AM
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Going Out Of Town
Going out of town again with no computer. Will be back in 8 days.
Posted by
9:35 AM
Monday, June 4, 2007
I'm Home
Happy Birthday Deana!!
I'm finally home from FL. Just in time for the last day of school for D. Now the fun begins with going back and forth from here and hubby's apt. I thought maybe I'd go tomorrow but my niece graduates from 8th grade on Wed. and I have a dentist appt. on Thurs. So I guess I'm in town for a few days. I also figured I'd better spend some time with Nicole so she don't go to ballistic....lol The weather was nice in FL, in the upper 80's, no rain. The drive home went well, had a lot of road construction. Almost all the way through TN on I-75. We also got into the wild fires, well, not seen the fires but drove through the smoke from them for about 100 or so miles in the upper FL and GA.
I came home to a house that was trashed, go figure since no one was really suppose to be here except to come back after school to feed the dog and wait for Nicole to pick him up after work. But Chris ended up here doing laundry and staying the night and he don't like to pick up after himself to much either. And of course D made his own messes....lol. So today was suppose to be cleaning day and laundry but the nascar race got rained out yesterday and is on today...lololol Nicole hasn't gotten all her stuff moved out yet. So I started packing up misc. stuff yesterday for her to take or me take over to her apt. I wanted her room cleaned out before I got home but I see that never happened.
So, that's about it for now
Posted by
7:53 AM